Thirty Days [v0.07.10]


Thirty Days Free Download Latest Version

Thirty Days Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – You take the roll of either Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, or Family friend.

Developer: 3DRComics Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.07.10
OS: Windows, Linux, MacAndroid
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Animated, BDSM, Corruption, Groping, Incest, Sleep Sex, Twins, Vaginal sex, Voyeurism, Romance, Sandbox, Mobile game, Female Protagonist, Lesbian


Thirty Days is a heavy choice driven game, designed to have multiple play throughs with largely different experiences.

You take the roll of either Aunt, Uncle, Cousin (Male or Female), or Family friend (Male or Female) as you spend a month with 2 very cute 18 year old fraternal twins.

These 2 have been sheltered and only attended private schools their entire life.

Over the month you will get to experience the ups and downs as you help them learn things about the world and help them become the woman they are destined to become.

Through the month you will meet many other people that you can pursue, romance, or corrupts along with Alex and Kayla.​

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Thirty Days Free Download
Thirty Days Free Download

Added Female content, bringing it to the same point as Male content.
1500 lines of code, 12 animations (Still loops as of this update.) 360+ new images specific to female route.

Day 7 Update 1
This is the first stage of the Day 7 updates.
As I am still working on animations, this update contains about 75% of the primary male route.
This update contains 1000 images.
The majority of this day is focused on Jackie and her story arc.
I debated pushing the non-animated parts to the female route, but I have a habit of when I do that, not going back and finishing them and cleaning them up, So I opted to hold off female route till animations are completed as female route has more animations than male route on day 7.
Majority of the animations for male route are at night, which is I was able to release the majority of the day, There will be a few scenes getting expanded during the day on male route as well.
I’ve been working on limiting my render count, and not sure this worked out, compared to how my normal updates are, this just seems more time compressed then my normal days, and not sure I like that.
I guess let me know what you think.
The rest of day 7 will be pushed throughout July, expect a big majority of female content over the next week, and as day 7 is finalized, Day 8 morning content will probably show up as well as I will be working on both at the same time.

Expanded Day 6 Content.
700+ new images
2000+ new lines of code.
2 full new scenes as well as extensions to some current scenes.
Choices in day 6 have been implemented, as well as checks for previous day choices.


Day 6 Release.
This update contains the primary route for both male and female for day 6.
1500+ images.
20 Animations(Some better then others unfortunately, I will go back and work on the female route animations, but they already push the update back a day.)
I will be adding some more content to this day.
Including more exploration during the middle of the day (You will see what I mean)
and more choices and alterations.
Day 7 Tentatively scheduled for May 15ish.
Expect a small update over the weekend/early next to fix things I inevitably missed.

470 + new images added to finish off day 5 for female route (No new content for male route on this update.)
Honestly. Glad to be done with it 

Been wanting so long to just focus on day 6 and get back to alex 

Things are slowly but surely getting back on track.
Don’t want to give a definite time frame on day 6 at this point. not going to happen by christmas like I wanted to. I could probably get half of it ready if i really pushed, but have to do the whole “being a dad” thing for xmas 

Day 6 is not going to be like day 5 was. I’m shooting for late January to mid February for completion. its already started, got big chunks of the morning done and i’ve been excited to get working on it, kind of missed Alex 

III keep posting updates, every couple of weeks or so on how its going, Also want to get back to sharing more images and doing images just for subscribers.

70 images to complete male route for day 5, male route is now fully complete for day 5.
I am currently rerendering the roof scene for female route in day 5, Wasn’t happy with the brightness of the sky so reworking that scene.
Due to the delays with day 5, I am going to do everything I possibly can to get day 6 competed by the end of December. I am also going to be giving at least biweekly progress updates on this, ill update weekly if their is anything note worthy to talk about.
For current progress on day 6, I do have about 300 images rendered for the morning, and also have a majority of the scenes setup and ready to start rendering.
I know day 5 was kind of plagued with delays, hiccups, and issue, and I want to make up for it by getting day 6 done as quickly as I can.
Next scheduled update is December 1st, so exactly 4 weeks from now.
If i haven’t already pushed an update to finish female route day 5 by this point, this will fully complete female day 5, and should contain a large amount of day 6 content for both male and female routes.
I know day 5 was supposed to be completed months ago, and I am going to do everything I can to make it up to everyone.
I will correct and makeup for delays of day 5.


  • Second half of Day 4
  • 1500+ New images
  • 14 Animations
  • Sexual content with Alex and Ava (Male routes, Changes depending on Corruption or Romance)
  • The Ava Scene – The ava sex scene on the morning of day 4 has not been completed due to renpy issue. That will be sorted shortly.

Serenity Goes To The Movies is a short kinetic novel about Serenity’s trip to the movies with her friend Sarah
400+ Images

Thirty Days 0.035.91

  • The first half of Day 4
  • 1100+ New images for a total of over 5500.
  • An additional 30 to 50 minutes of content depending on route and your stats.
  • Major updates and changes to coding and story divergence
  • Addition settings available on ingame phone (including a guided mode)
  • Each route will have larger differences in the story which you will start to see in this update if you play multiple routes.
  • The escape room game is now skip-able

Serenity’s New Gig
500+ images.

Thirty Days 0.03.90MF
Day 3
700+ New images
Introduced to Mei and Ava
Versioning changed to make more sense.
The pacing on this day is a bit different then the previous days. This day’s focus was one major activity vs several smaller activities.
Limited growth with Kayla and Alex, But you spend some time with Misa, Her sister Mei, and Ava’s Story.

How To Install Thirty Days

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Thirty Days Free Download

MAC (v0.06.10)


ANDROID (v0.06.10)



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