
Ravager Free Download Latest Version

Ravager Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – We all know the story: Hero emerges from humble beginnings, slays the tyrannical dragon, and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity.

Developer: 4MinuteWarning Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 5.2.2
OS: Windows, Linux, AndroidMac
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Fantasy, Male protagonist, Futa/Trans, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Bestiality, Monster, Monster girl, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Graphic violence, Group sex, Handjob, Humiliation, Male domination, Mobile game, Multiple penetration, Rape, RPG, Sleep sex, Titfuck, Transformation, Voiced, Voyeurism, Anal sex, Ahegao, Bukkake, Drugs, Groping, Slave, Stripping, Trap, Furry, Gay, Lactation, BDSM, Mind Control, Virgin, Female Domination, Lesbian, Management, POV, Incest, Twins, Religion, Sexual Harrassment


We all know the story: Hero emerges from humble beginnings, slays the tyrannical dragon, and ushers in a new era of peace and prosperity. But here, it’s the other way around. Ravager is a game where you play a young dragon, determined to reclaim their birthright. To do so, you will need to build your power, ally with dark forces, evade justice, and whet your bestial appetites.

The game currently spans the first three and a half acts of the story: from your birth to your preparations to besiege the capital. It has a nonlinear plot, with many significant choices to make (and fun to have) along the way.​

Ravager Free Download
Ravager Free Download
Ravager Free Download


Version 5.2.2, Mammaries & Maternities
Steam Deck support, some cute hatchery scenes, and a huge amount of art.

Dev Notes
Our coders have been busy lately, getting us ready for full Steam Deck compatibility (harder than it sounds!).
But a monthly update cycle is still a monthly update cycle, so please enjoy this small build in the interim.
If you are waiting for new written content, hold out for next month! I have a lot of scenes queued up.
MVPs of this build are HereToHelp, for his amazing work on Deck support, and Lubbio for his prolific artistic output.

Act V Features
Dynamic: Darja will visit her kobolds in the hatchery, if she is not queen (collab with Mattrex).
Dynamic: Marie-Anne will visit her kobolds in the hatchery, if she is a happy human (collab with Mattrex).
Dynamic: Sabetha & Inej will visit Inej’s kobolds in the hatchery (collab with Mattrex).
Art: Remastered paizuri scenes for pregnant Mina (two variants, 10 images, Lubbio).
Voice: Chia’s re-introduction in Chapter One, if Adeline is your betrothed (Marina Montague).
Voice: Chia’s fetch quest for Adeline in Chapter One (Marina Montague).

Act I-IV Features
Art: Marie-Anne’s wolfman fate (5 images, Lubbio).
Art: Paizuri scene for broken Mina (5 images, Lubbio).
Art: Remastered paizuri scenes for Mina (five variants, 25 images, Lubbio).
Art: Valzira’s remaining captive scenes (three variants, 11 images, Lubbio).
Art: A remastered main sprite for Cooch (Irrelevant Art).
Voice: Sabetha’s part in the introduction to the rogues’ last night (Emery Aylar).
UI: Hovering over many elements will cause them to be highlighted, to assist players on keyboard or controller (HereToHelp).
UI: The character selection page of the Gallery has had its accessibility for users on keyboard and controller greatly improved (HereToHelp).
UI: The on-screen keyboard will now show up automatically when you need to input text on Steam Deck (HereToHelp)
UI: Atkinson Hyperlegible has been added as a font override option in the Accessibility menu (Shift + A).

Breaker’s new sprites have had their coloration and dimensions improved (Irrelevant Art).
On Steam Deck, the “Walkthrough” button now tells the player where to find the walkthrough, and invites them to the Discord server. (HereToHelp).
The save naming popup has been moved downwards on Steam Deck to make room for the on-screen keyboard (HereToHelp)
The parody dream has received a complete visual overhaul, with new backgrounds unique to the scene, and a completely different GUI (HereToHelp).
If the player has incest disabled during the parody dream sequence, Darja is referred to as the player’s “roommate”, and Adeline refers to herself as the player’s “landlady” (HereToHelp).
A truck has been added to the parody dream sequence, and its sound effect properly synchronises with it (HereToHelp).
The button to enable/disable the dragon’s voice now visually matches our other selectable options (Soulphase).
The “Mouse over a setting for details” settings tooltip reads “Move over a setting for details” on Steam Deck (HereToHelp).
The About page has been updated to include font licensing information (HereToHelp).

Prevented Adeline from showing up to court when Darja or Malice is queen.
Fixed a crash that occurs during creche visits when Chia is present.
Darja will correctly show as having given birth in Chapter 2 if she has not been transanguinated.
Talking to the herald about the state of the world in Chapter 2 no longer sends the player back to Chapter 1. Whoops!
An issue causing Steam achievements to fail has been fixed.
Numerous typo fixes.

Version 5.2.1, Whelps & Wonders
New with extra (small) kobolds.

Dev Notes
We’re back from our midwinter break! This build stabilises the major update, and adds some cool new features.
We are returning to our monthly updates schedule, so you can look forward to plenty more throughout the year.
MVP of this build is Mattrex, our lead writer, for some seriously toothsome new material.
Our voice actresses are now holding monthly special streams, open to everyone, on our Discord server
Stay tuned for an announcement about our next project, codenamed P2D. See our State Of The Realm post for more details!

Game Modes
A new ‘Streamer Mode’ that, if enabled for a new playthrough, should prevent access to explicit content (HereToHelp).
Streamer Mode has currently been implemented up to the end of Act V Chapter One.
It is experimental, and has not yet been confirmed as 100% watertight. Please report any mishaps in our Discord server.

Act V Features
Plot: The court herald is available to visit in Chapter Two.
Plot: You may ask the herald what became of your decision about the Aberrants (eight variants, collab with Mattrex).
Plot: The kobold hatchery is available to visit in Chapter Two (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
Variants: Enid recruited, Enid not recruited. Additional variations for if katbolds and/or wyrmhounds are present.
Harem: Chanwe can be visited if you chose yourself as the Realm’s official religion (collab with Lailah Tov. DoItToJulia. Mattrex).
Scene: Chanwe bears witness to your apotheosis (collab with Lailah Tov and DoItToJulia).
Art: Cooch milks the dragon for her Grand Opening (two variants, six images, Lubbio).
Art: Heloise embraces her waning divinity (five images, Lubbio).
Art: Issa is reminded who he is (five images, Lubbio).
Art: Killtoy Maelys gets her void filled, with Adeline’s help (eight variants, thirteen images, Lubbio).
Art: Darja’s pregnant sprite has been remastered (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Background: A background for the firstbloods’ nook (Exo Spectra).
Animation: Darja’s pregnant sprite animations, remastered (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Voice: Malagar’s introduction to his transanguination experiment (Vic Collins).
Voice: Malagar’s explanation regarding the current wellbeing of his ‘volunteers’ (Vic Collins).
Voice: Malagar’s contribution to the court briefing in Chapter One (two variants, Vic Collins).
Gallery: Cooch’s “Grand Opening” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Heloise’s “Divinity Waning” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Issa’s “Who I Am” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Killtoy Maelys & Adeline’s “Fill The Void” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).

Act I-IV Features
Art: Breaker’s main sprite has been remastered (Sintax Error and Irrelevant Art).
Art: Breaker’s side sprites have been remastered (four images, Sintax Error and Irrelevant Art).
Art: Chanwe’s nude sprite has been remastered (Sintax Error and Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja’s normal clothing sprite has been remastered (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja’s nude sprite has been remastered (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja’s homemade dress sprite has been remastered (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Remastered art for Naho’s protean fate (four images, Lubbio).
Animation: Chanwe’s nude sprite animations, remastered (twelve animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Darja’s normal clothing sprite animations, remastered (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Darja’s nude sprite animations, remastered (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Darja’s homemade dress sprite animations, remastered (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Voice: The kobolds’ part in the conquest of Bastion (Kobold34).
Voice: Sabetha’s remaining parts in consort oral (two variants, Emery Aylar).

The “Walkthrough” button in the main menu now opens a local PDF version of the walkthrough.
Cooch’s grand opening in Chapter Two has better music direction.
Cooch’s grand opening in Chapter Two has had art added for its oral variant.
The game engine has been upgraded to RenPy 8.3.4.
Our disclaimer that translations are fanmade and currently unfinished has been made more prominent.
Game credits have been corrected.

Fixed an issue where some players updating via Steam had an experimental feature permanently enabled. Whoops!
“Mute All” will no longer show as enabled when it isn’t.
Eburon will stop showing up to court when dead. Third time he has done this.
You can no longer ask Adeline why she spurned you if you didn’t attempt to mount her in Act 1.
Balthorne will not refer to his paternal namesake with the same nickname that you gave him.
Chanwe will not offer to help peacefully take the abbey in Act IV if she can’t actually do that.
You do not have to boink Chia if she was not immediately sent to fetch Adeline in Act V Chapter One.
Cooch’s repeatable scenes in Act V Chapter Two will direct you to the proper activities.
Several missing dragon voicelines have been added to the Bastion confrontation with Heloise.
Restored a missing menu option in Eburon’s consort arc.
Some previously-inaccessible conditional text in Eburon’s Act V Chapter One catchup has been restored.
Killtoy Maelys will clean herself up after her scene with Adeline, as requested.
Joining Sabetha & Inej’s heist no longer requires specific content flags to be checked.
Žižeryx is described with the correct pronouns when using the Infernals to attack Gutters’ Cove.
Lots of small typo fixes.


Act V Features
Plot: Waking up into a new Chapter, with your betrothed at your side (four variants, collab with Mattrex).
Court: A comprehensive update on all the things that happened while you were asleep (very many variants, collab with Mattrex).
Court: Being presented with an oath of service by Knight Maelys (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Killtoy Maelys falls under your geas (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Handling your kingdom’s coffers, if your Prosperity is too low (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Setting reconstruction priorities for your Realm (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Dealing with a mind-altered Inquisitrix, if she is still loose in Bastion (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Some constitutional questions regarding tributes to your hordes (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Resolving cultural issues around repayments to the wolf tribe (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Questions of progeny, and the future for your kobolds (collab with Mattrex).
Court: Investigating matters of discipline in your forces (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Captive Adeline is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Princess Adeline is available to visit in Chapter Two.
Harem: Balthorne is available to visit in Chapter One and Chapter Two (collab with DoItToJulia).
Harem: Orthodox Chanwe is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with D Fyler and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Heresiarch Chanwe is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with D Fyler and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Cooch is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Deoz, Lailah Tov, and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Princess Darja is available to visit in Chapter Two.
Harem: Non-Princess Darja is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Obliquity and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Happy Heloise is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Unhappy Heloise is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Issa is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with DoItToJulia).
Harem: Killtoy Maelys is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Deoz, Gyarugoth, and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Knight Maelys is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Krombomich, Gyarugoth, and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Maelys’s other states are available to revisit in Chapter Two as well.
Harem: Broken Marie-Anne is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Ghostwriter and DoItToJulia).
Harem: ‘Fawn’ Marie-Anne is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Happy Marie-Anne is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Ghostwriter and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Happy Mina is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex). Broken Mina will continue to be treated as Happy Mina, until her state-specific Act V interactions have been written.
Harem: Unhappy Mina is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Pet Naho is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Broken Naho is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Wild Naho is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Harem: Sabetha & Inej are available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Garoompahfah and DoItToJulia).
Harem: Valzira is available to visit in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Faction: Zizeryx is now eligible for visitation in Chapter One of Act V, if it the infernals have been empowered (two variants).
Scene: Princess Adeline shares her vast tracts of land with you (collab with anonymous and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Balthorne is made to shut up for once (collab with Slashmarks and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Balthorne bends over for his new king (two variants, collab with Slashmarks and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Cooch’s microbrewery has a grand opening (collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Orthodox Chanwe delivers a sermon (collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Heresiarch Chanwe delivers a sermon, featuring a special guest (two variants, collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Princess Darja shares the full majesty of her honkadoozies (collab with Garoompahfah and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Issa is reminded what he is (collab with DoItToJulia and Slashmarks).
Scene: Baroness Katharen receives the solution to a knotty problem (collab with Mattrex).
Scene: Killtoy Maelys can receive some additional decorations (four variants, collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Killtoy Maelys serves both wings of the throne (four variants, collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Knight Maelys becomes a decorated soldier (collab with Julia).
Scene: Marie-Anne welcomes change in Chapter Two (collab with Mattrex).
Scene: Marie-Anne is reunited with an old friend (two variants, collab with HereToHelp and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Unhappy Mina demonstrates her willingness to work for you (collab with Mattrex).
Scene: Broken Naho has been waiting a long time to see you (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
Scene: Naho is inducted into the joys of motherhood (two variants, collab with Mattrex).
Scene: Sabetha helps Inej start on a second clutch (collab with Garoompahfah and DoItToJulia).
Scene: Zizeryx provides a valuable lesson on the virtue of submission (collab with DoItToJulia).
Dynamic: Cooch’s brewery has a grand opening (collab with Deoz and DoItToJulia).
Dynamic: Inej’s clutch is ready to hatch (collab with Garoompahfah).
Dynamic: Broken Naho wants out of the dungeon (collab with Mattrex).
Dynamic: A variant for Naho’s promotion to pet status, if Darja is your betrothed at the time.
Art: A loved one’s new shape (Undoodle).
Art: Expressing your love for a fellow monster (Undoodle).
Art: Captive Adeline, if pregnant, receives a topup in Chapter Two (six images, Lubbio).
Art: Princess Adeline encourages you to explore her vast tracts of land (six images, Lubbio).
Art: Princess Darja shares the full majesty of her honkadoozies (two variants, seven images, Lubbio).
Art: Princess Darja’s queenly butt gets put to use (two variants, twelve images, Lubbio).
Art: Baroness Katharen has her petition forcefully denied (three images, Lubbio).
Art: Killtoy Maelys is drenched in misery (four variants, sixteen images, Lubbio).
Art: Knight Maelys becomes a decorated soldier (four images, Lubbio).
Art: Marie-Anne shows her fondness for Trojan and the dragon at the same time (four variants, twenty images, Lubbio).
Art: Mina gets behind on her paperwork (six images, Lubbio).
Art: Naho is inducted into the joys of motherhood (two variants, eighteen images, Lubbio).
Art: Remastered doggystyle scenes for Naho in your royal bedchamber (four scenes, twenty images, Lubbio).
Art: Rain assists Heresiarch Chanwe with a theological demonstration (two variants, seven images, Lubbio).
Art: Sabetha helps Inej start on a new clutch (six images, Lubbio).
Art: Zizeryx teaches the dragon a valuable lesson (three images, Lubbio).
Art: Adeline’s queenly regalia (two variants, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Queenly emotes for Adeline (eight images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Adeline’s pregnant captive sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Adeline’s pregnant nude sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Beatrix’s main sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for Beatrix (four images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Chia’s pregnant sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja’s queenly regalia (two variants. twenty-four images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Darja wearing half of her queenly regalia (two variants. twenty-four images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for Darja’s queenly regalia (twenty-two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Inej’s nude sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for nude Inej (seven images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Baroness Katharen’s sprite (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A ripped-dress variant sprite for Baroness Katharen (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for Baroness Katharen (two variants, seven images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: A costume restoration for the court herald (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for the katbolds (five images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for the koboofs (five images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s new attire as a killtoy (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s killtoy emotes (twenty images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s new attire as a knight (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Maelys’s knight emotes (twenty images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: An emote for Marie-Anne’s new form (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A nude sprite for Rain (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Nude emotes for Rain (five images, Irrelevant Art).
Animation: An animated splash for a loved one’s new shape (Amon Ra).
Animation: An animated scene, monster-to-monster (3 animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for queenly Adeline (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for pregnant queenly Adeline (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for pregnant nude Adeline (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for pregnant captive Adeline (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for pregnant Chia (six animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for queenly Darja (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for pregnant queenly Darja (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for nude queenly Darja (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for nude pregnant queenly Darja (fifteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for nude Inej (eight animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Katharen (four animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for stripped Katharen (five animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for killtoy Maelys (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for knight Maelys (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered broken pregnant state (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered pregnant state (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for nude Rain (seven animations, Amon Ra).
Background: A background for the palace temple (two variants, Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for the palace (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for the castle dungeons (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for the castle storerooms (Exo Spectra).
Voice: Beatrix’s part in Cooch’s grand opening in Chapter Two (Demi Goggles).
Voice: Chia’s manual and vaginal scenes at the beginning of Chapter One (Marina Montague).
Voice: Darja’s responses to being told her pending offspring are kobolds (Nyah).
Voice: Inej’s pitch to the dragon from the palace dungeons, and her responses to your pitch (Gruella).
Voice: Inej’s part in the rogues’ Act V introduction if Inej was pregnant, and the chats about her pregnancy, the palace, and the prospect of being made queens (Gruella).
Voice: Maelys’s dialogue after she has been restored by Malice (Catkit).
Voice: Maelys’s scene after she has been restored by Malice (Catkit).
Sound: A crockery smashing sound effect.
Soundtrack: The soundtrack has been professionally mastered and reuploaded at 320kbps audio quality (Exo Spectra).
Soundtrack: The soundtrack now has proper metadata (HereToHelp).
Achievement: The ‘Immaculate Deception’, ‘Romantic Aberration’, ‘No Worst, There Is None’, ‘These Last Strands Of Man’, ‘What The Pup?’, ‘Having Kittens’, ‘What Did I Miss?’, and ‘You Awaken Feeling Well Rested’ achievements have been added (Tosk).
Gallery: Adeline’s “Vast Tracts Of Land” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Chanwe and Rain’s “Desacralisation” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Darja’s “Big Supernaturals” and “Who’s Queen?” scenes have been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Katharen’s “Stripped Of Title” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Maelys’s “Dazed & Glazed” and “Decorated Soldier” scenes have been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Marie-Anne’s “Buckets Of Love”, “Doggy Style II”, and “Monster Loving Monster” scenes have been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Mina’s “Behind On Paperwork” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Naho’s “Whelp Wishes” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Sabetha & Inej’s “Sister Sandwich” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Gallery: Zizeryx’s “The Desiring Machine” scene has been added to the Gallery (Tosk).
Walkthrough: The walkthrough has been updated. A copy of it is stored within the game folder on desktop versions.

Act I-IV Features
Fate: Valzira’s infernal fate, if she is not broken.
Art: Adeline’s embrace, upon your emergence (Undoodle).
Art: Remastered doggy-style scenes for Naho in your roost (two scenes, ten images, Lubbio).
Art: Remastered manual scene for Maelys (four images, Lubbio).
Art: Horny and ecstatic emotes for Enid (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Remastered main sprite and emotes for converted Heloise (six images, Sintax_Error).
Art: A remastered sleeping emote for Inej (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A remastered battle damage sprite for Maelys (Irrelevant Art).
Art: A remastered main sprite for Rain (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Remastered emotes for Rain (five images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: A remastered nude sprite for Sabetha (two images, Irrelevant Art).
Art: Remastered main sprite and emotes for the centaur stallion (six images, Sintax_Error).
Art: A main sprite for converted Valzira (Irrelevant Art).
Art: Emotes for converted Valzira (five images, Irrelevant Art).
Animation: An animated version of Adeline’s embrace (Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Chia’s pregnant state (six animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Maelys’s battle damaged state (ten animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered wild state (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered captive state (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered broken state (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered draconic form (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for Naho’s remastered plush form (fourteen animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Animated idles for converted Valzira (5 animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Remastered idles for converted Heloise (seven animations, Amon Ra).
Animation: Remastered idles for Rain (seven animations, Amon Ra).
Background: A remastered background for Gutter’s Cove (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for the mountain campfire (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for swamps (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for the underground baths (Exo Spectra).
Background: A remastered background for Valzira’s shack (Exo Spectra).
Voice: The dragon’s part in Enid’s lair interactions, Malice’s Bring Your Daughter To Work Day events, Marie-Anne’s mercenary fate, Marie-Anne and Mina’s Sharing Is Caring scene, Mina’s Bed Of Riches scene, and Sabetha & Inej’s mercenary fate (GreyScale).
Voice: Inej’s missing lines and retakes for her consort arc with Sabetha (Gruella).
Voice: The kobolds’ part in Cooch’s visit to Valzira, Issa’s new dress discovery, Issa’s punishment, Marie-Anne’s capture, Marie-Anne’s gift for Maelys, Sabetha & Inej’s captive interactions, Valzira’s abortive attempt, and the conquest of Gutter’s Cove (Kobold34).
Voice: Maelys’s reflections after her encounter with Darja (Catkit).
Voice: Mother’s conquest of the convent, Gutter’s Cove, farmlands, and Coldreach (Midnight, Demi Goggles, and Mokkel).
Voice: Naho’s first-night consort event, if she was not broken before being promoted (Marina Montague).
Voice: Retakes and missing lines for Sabetha’s Backdoor Break-In (Emery Aylar).
Music: The highlands suite has been completely remastered (Exo Spectra).
Music: The mountains suite has also been completely remastered (Exo Spectra).
Sound: A new ‘sting’ for Act transitions.
Sound: A remastered ‘sting’ for important stat changes.
Sound: An improved defenestration sound effect.
Sound: A variety of new gorey sound effects (GreyScale)
UI: The system for displaying character art has been completely refactored to improve performance and maintainability (HereToHelp).
UI: You can now choose to individually name save files. If you don’t want to, the prompt can be turned off in Preferences (code from BadMustard, modified by HereToHelp).
UI: The UI has been modified to make deleting saves easier (code from BadMustard).
UI: A display issue in the Preferences menu on the Steam Deck has been fixed (Soulphase, HereToHelp).
UI: The territory map has undergone a visual revamp, and should now be more aesthetically pleasing (Soulphase, HereToHelp).
UI: The territory map regions have each been given an alt text to ease navigation, for players using self-voicing (Soulphase).
UI: The Gallery and settings screens have had their compatibility with screen readers vastly improved (HereToHelp).
UI: Performance has been improved when changing languages to one of our fan translations (HereToHelp).
UI: The Achievements screen has been optimised for Steam Deck (HereToHelp).
Gallery: Proper music and ambience has been added to many scenes that did not have them, when viewed through the Gallery (HereToHelp)
Achievement: The ‘Your Package Has Arrived’ achievement has been added.

The ‘Sharing’ content flag has been more consistently applied to all scenes where you permit sexual contact between a partner and another person.
The ‘Gore’ content flag has been expanded to cover all instances (up to Act III so far) where you choose to kill or eat someone.
During the initial “emergence” scene, you will be given a choice of what kind of nest to build.
During “emergence”, the narration makes it clearer that you have grown rapidly after hatching.
Adeline’s singing options in Act V will display Undoodle’s new splash art.
Heloise is now worth an extra point of Morale for any horde or lair faction you choose to give her to. She’s very popular!
Issa’s new soundtrack suite has been added throughout all of his in-lair interactions, throughout the game (GreyScale).
Issa’s heartbeat track has been made louder.
Maelys’s new soundtrack suite has been added throughout all of her in-lair interactions, throughout the game (Nyah).
Done: Despair Maelys main interaction (Act III)
Goopy SFX has been added to Malagar’s experiment on Issa, and Issa’s Act V harem scenes (GreyScale).
Naho’s non-animated scene art has been reshuffled. Art is consistent across scenes in captivity, as a consort, or as a pet.
Valzira’s new soundtrack suite has been added to all of her in-lair interactions, throughout the game (GreyScale).
Ambient sound has been added to early scenes in the palace.
The Gallery’s scene catalogue has moved to a dynamic framework, making the implementation and management of gallery entries much easier (HereToHelp, Soulphase, and Tosk).
Cutscenes in Act I have had performance significantly improved, especially for users on Steam Deck (HereToHelp and Tosk).
Punctuation has been standardised throughout the game (Soulphase).
A variety of voice lines have been re-recorded and replaced, throughout the game.
Game credits have been updated.

Adeline will no longer appear in the dungeons after being Transanguinated.
Balthorne will not be flagged as emasculated by default. You will have to put the work in yourself.
Balthorne’s shouting emote will display correctly.
Chanwe’s ahegao animation displays correctly.
Chanwe’s talking animation no longer summons the dreaded black box.
Cooch’s pain animation displays correctly.
Cooch’s angry emote appears consistently across all states.
Darja’s butt stuff scenes in Act V will show their withdrawal and afterglow images correctly.
Darja’s “overwhelmed” animated sprites display correctly for her regular, nude, and homemade dress outfits.
Eburon cannot be asked his opinions on the Cataclysm if there is no Cataclysm.
Eburon’s side image will be properly silhouetted while he is sleeping.
Enid will not return to your lair after Act III if she was set free after her first clutch.
Heloise’s angry emote appears consistently across all states.
Heloise and Valzira cannot appear pregnant at the same time.
Issa cannot be killed by you after annoying you if the Gore flag is disabled.
Issa can no longer be visited in Act V if he died during the attack on Pale Rock.
Issa’s opinion of you will not change from repeated actions.
Infernal Issa is no longer called “???” when you see him via the Gallery.
Issa will respond appropriately if he is named after one of Petruk’s successors.
Gallery reject messages for disabled content flags have been added to many of Marie-Anne’s entries.
Several Gallery entries that should not work in demo versions of the game have been properly blocked off.
Maelys no longer responds to a nonexistent command if the dragon refuses to turn away during her new dress scene.
Maelys’s victimisation by the centaurs in Act II is covered under the correct content flags.
Malice’s grin animation will show up when appropriate.
Logic handling the circumstances behind Malice’s ‘chiding’ dream has been improved.
Refusing Maelys in her penitent state causes her to be upset for more than like two minutes.
Marie-Anne will no longer cause the game to crash on Steam. Whoops.
Marie-Anne’s toppy is not sufficiently sloppy that the sound effects will continue on after her Act II scene has finished.
Marie-Anne’s nude static sprite will display its messiness, if you have made her messy.
The correct content flags are applied to attacking Marie-Anne in Act III, after failing to convince her to come with you.
Mina puts her clothes back on after having fun in Act III/IV when unbroken.
Mina cannot join Marie-Anne for the Sharing Is Caring scene if she is currently visiting Breaker.
Mina’s Act V Chapter One interactions no longer occasionally throw an error screen.
Mina’s main dress sprites can appear as messy, if you have static images enabled.
Broken Mina will put her clothes back on between Acts, if permitted, without needing a revisit to do so.
Mina’s sad animated idle will appear correctly if she has been broken.
Naho’s moaning will not follow you around after her defeat scene in the lowlands has ended.
Naho will put her clothes back on if left free to do so after her defeat in the wildlands.
Naho will also put her clothes on for her cameo in the Ravager High dream.
Naho’s sad animated idle will use the correct buffer image.
Naho’s infernal fate can trigger the Towering Inferno achievement.
Revisiting Sabetha & Inej in the palace dungeons after hearing Inej’s proposal will not repeat the proposal.
Valzira’s choking during her oral scenes will no longer loop.
Valzira will use the proper silhouette if she is both pregnant and broken.
Valzira’s grin and smug animated idles now use the correct buffer images.
An incorrect dragon voiceline has been replaced in Zizeryx’s question about the games of divinity.
Zizeryx’s gallery entries are no longer stacked on top of each other.
Zizeryx will no longer attend court to advocate for the Sun faith in Chapter One if a Cataclysm is in progress.
Captives gifted to Zizeryx are deducted correctly against your total, fixing some rare navigation issues.
Court events will no longer give a ‘to be continued’ message in Chapter One, once all of them have been seen.
Ambient sound will fade out when you die.
Ambient sound will return faster upon waking up in Act III.
Artefacts have been cleaned from the ambient track for the mines.
Whether or not you have pillaged the wildlands is now properly tracked.
And the many, many, many bugs found during playtesting for our new content. Special thanks to Stuke, who carried us for the first 20-odd playtesting builds, and to the squad of surge-playtesters who joined us for the final two weeks.

How To Install Ravager

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Ravager Free Download

Having a bat file in the main directory will stop the game from running




  1. Download the Steam Auto cracker from this link: Steam AutoCracker Direct Download
  2. Unzip it anywhere. Once that is down run the EXE SteamAutoCrack
    (If the program complains it’s missing something, do not worry, it will provide a link to it automatically.)
  3. A complicated looking window will pop up, don’t worry about it.
  4. In the text box label PATH, click the … button next to it, click file, then navigate and select the RAVAGER.exe file
  5. Below the PATH text box is another called Steam appID, put the number: 168356
  6. At the very bottom press START, wait a bit until you see in the text box in right display All process complete.
  7. Run the Ravager.exe directly and the game will launch (if you have done it correctly the startup will not crash)

ANDROID (v5.2.1)



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  1. Great post! The Ravager Download for v5.1.7 is a game-changer. The walkthrough is very detailed and easy to follow, making it accessible to players of all skill levels. I can’t wait to give it a try and see the destruction I can unleash! ????

  2. Just finished playing Ravager and I have to say, the walkthrough on this site was incredibly helpful. The game can get really frustrating at times, but thanks to your step-by-step guide, I was able to overcome all the challenges and enjoy the rest of the walkthrough. Great job, FAP NATION!

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