Beasts In The Sun Free Download Latest Version
Beasts In The Sun Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – Miss Big Booba Solving Puzzles.
Developer: Animo Pron – SubscribeStar
Censored: No
Version: Skeleton Test
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: 3D Game, Adventure, Anal sex, Animated, Big ass, Big tits, Combat, Fantasy, Female protagonist, Futa/trans, Futa/trans protagonist, Monster, Multiple protagonist, Puzzle, Rape, Rpg, Sandbox, Transformation, Urination, Voiced
Miss Big Booba Solving Puzzles

Skeleton Test Build
There isn’t anything super special – it’s a pretty straigh forward demo, where you can shoot multiple types of skeletons (sword/shield/archer), plus to look out for 2 secrets.
EP2 will have a similiar area, but it’s gonna be much more complex – with puzzles, collectables and so on (and more detailed of course).
There was a lot of small issues we were dealing here, but it seems that we fixed majority of bugs already.
You can leave your feedback on enemy, if you had any suggestions and stuff.
Episode 1 – v8
(Finally) fixed animated Tara body materials (visible mostly on sex scenes)
– Fixed “black camera-fade” bug, causing all active sounds to stop playing
– Fixed Tara’s vertical position offset in cutscenes
– Fixed bugs with clothing body morphs, staying even after removing this cloth
– 1st person view is improved
– Fixed problem for “Red Vinyl” boots rig
– Fixed wrong voiceline on Horus entry cutscene
– You can now break Mirrors by shooting at them (also disables additional camera rendering, which improves perfomance a lot)
– You can ram enemies with your Horse
– It’s possible to disable dynamic mirrors/foliage wind (to improve perfomance), by setting graphics “Effects” slider to “Medium” or “Low”
– Added 1 more secret to the main level
– Fixed “invert axis” option inside controls settings (works only after reloading the save/game for some reason)
– You can now change binds for “Zoom in\out” in control settings
– Extended ending of EP1, with Minotaur statue section
– Added Shooting Range mode with shooting challenges/bonuses/new restroom scenes. Shooting Range is dynamically saved, you can exit the level and return back with saved progress)
– Added Gallery mode – with 3 different Environments to choose from. You can only preview scenes that was unlocked during the main story (written in the savefile)
– Added new dynamic wet/dirt/sand system for body/clothes. Strenght of these effects can be configurated inside body settings
– Added an ability to change color for any active cloth you are wearing
– Added separate Inventory tab for Collectables – now all Comics, Puzzles, Cards will go into this group
– Greatly improved Guns – added new effects (barrel smoke, light effect when shooting, bullet tracers), removed bugs with offset pistol positions on switch, improved logic for automatic pistol reloading
– Added “critical” headshot feature to the enemies, including proper dismemberment effect
– You can light your Arrow on fire using fire torches. You can also set enemies on fire
– New dynamic fire system, which mostly will be used for puzzles/secrets. You can set wood objects on fire – with proper fire propagation
– Game should not start in VR mode now, if you have VR hardware connected
– 1 more comix added (15 pages) for the Shooting Range
– New set of 3 Cards (Maya)
– You can combine all Cards to one set, by clicking RMB on the card icon
Episode 1 – v7
– Fixed major bug with 2 mummies not spawning after Totem sex scene
– Fixed crashes inside/after Tomb
– Returned basic binds for gamepads, you can also customize Gamepad controls (you still need mouse to use inventory or solve any minigames)
– Character is slightly raised, straightening her legs a bit more, making it look more natural
– Increased inventory slots
– Fixed camera fadeouts before/after sex scenes
– Fixed old bug, where “Interact” widget can disappear while moving (after touching mouse Scroll wheel)
– Added Quickload keybind (F9)
– Returned unused “Hard landing” animation, when dropping from medium height
– Fixed Tara’s damage sound reaction, based on damage type
– Fixed bug where Horse’s active items (saddle and reins) disappeared after saving/loading
– Scrolling wheel now works for switching between multiple items pickup in the area
– A lot of additional small tweaks
– Added 1 more secret area/clothing
– Added 12 collectable cards, you can find in 4 different zones
*** in the next version we will introduce a separate “Collectables” inventory Tab, where all Comics, letters, cards will go (to avoid flooding the regular inventory with these items)
– Added black makeup options for face
– Added finger/toe nails color settings
– Added Eye Iris saturation setting
– Added 2 more tattoos
– Changed slider-limits for Muscle, Breast shape, Nipples
– You can now control Tara’s vertical position too
– Fixed morphs list for Tara
– Removed black borders, now using your actual game resolution to make shots
– “Look-at” icon now invisible on the actual shot
– “Look-at” function is no longer transfers into the actual game from the photomode
– Shot now saved into “Pictures” folder of the current user
– Notification on making a shot
Episode 1 – v6
– Added DLSS
– Added photomode
– Added lipsync for Tara’s voicelines
– Added interactive physical bones in sex scenes/inventory
– Added fast-traveling system
– Ability to call the horse in the open environments – for testing purposes (only for this supporters build)
– Foliage now interacts with the player (certain plants are still not, will be fixed later)
– Mirrors are now disabled if using texture resolution setting “Low” or “Medium” (should increase perfomance in these areas)
– Added fall damage
– Alternative animations for cutscenes, while being a “dickgirl” Tara (hand moves away, so it’s not clipping). No sex scenes affected yet, just cutscenes
– Added 1 more secret
– Body type sliders are now separated to “Upper/Lower body”
– Body type settings are not resetting to default on sex scenes (may create some clipping issues though)
– Fixed issue with “Merc Boots” item, hiding wrong character geometry
Episode 1 – v5
– Added DLSS
– Added photomode
– Added lipsync for Tara’s voicelines
– Added interactive physical bones in sex scenes/inventory
– Added fast-traveling system
– Ability to call the horse in the open environments – for testing purposes (only for this supporters build)
– Foliage now interacts with the player (certain plants are still not, will be fixed later)
– Mirrors are now disabled if using texture resolution setting “Low” or “Medium” (should increase perfomance in these areas)
– Added fall damage
– Alternative animations for cutscenes, while being a “dickgirl” Tara (hand moves away, so it’s not clipping). No sex scenes affected yet, just cutscenes
– Added 1 more secret
– Body type sliders are now separated to “Upper/Lower body”
– Body type settings are not resetting to default on sex scenes (may create some clipping issues though)
– Fixed issue with “Merc Boots” item, hiding wrong character geometry
Episode 1 – v5
A lot of bugs was fixed, it is a very stable version by now.
– Fixed bugs with Inventory items duplicating/disappearing
– Fixed bug with picking-up multiple items in the area
– Fixed bug with character offset in sex scenes, if you were ragdoll-knocked
– Fixed bug of getting killed (but not “captured”) by enemies
– Fixed softlock, if saving/loading while having One nipple placed for the Tomb entry statue
– Horus statue “state” is now saved after loading the game
– “Interact” widget now shows the actual key-bind in controls
– Cutscene skipping now looks better – with faded sounds/screen
– Added sounds for Ragdolls
– Fixed character offset on Lianas/Ladders
– Improved reaction between Tara+Enemy ragdolls
– Fixed collisions for bullet shells/cases
– You can now change difficulty inside Pause menu options
– Difficulty setting is dynamic now, it can be changed mid-game, all the “difficulty-depend” objects will be updated instantly
– Fixed “dropped bag” inventory items physics
– Fixed bugs for NewGame+, where it keep some object states from previous playthorugh
– Multiple small improvements for objects “save-states” in certain places
– Small improvements on the Map, such as additional Lianas, allowing you to go back if you need
– Enabled shadows for small vegetation like grass/clover/bushes and so on
– Increased Ambient Occlusion strength
Episode 1 – v4
– Quicksaving function (F5) / fully reworked save system (should be much more stable)
– Doors are no longer closes up behind the player, all interactive objects are saved – you can return back and find any objects you’ve missed
– Added Difficulty setting (the hardest one unlocks after beating the game for the first time)
– Fixed bug on sex scenes, if player was “captured” while Crouched/Crawling
– Fixed bug with mouth-texture visible, after “forcing out” of 1-st person mode
– Fixed bug with puzzles not combining into 1 book
– “Pee girl” desk puzzles can be reset with “R” button, also fixed problem where this puzzle is “solved”, but not “triggering” as solved
Episode 1 – v3
-Checkpoint Save System added, it’s very stable, however you can occur few bugs with it:
-There is a rare crashing when loading the save, just launch the game again and it should work
-After loading a save, an additional bugged “backpack” can appear in the inventory, which has no purpose
-After loading a save, 2 zombies in the final room can be duplicated (has no effect on game progression or anything)
– New Game+ added – it allows to play the game again, with all Items saved from the previous playthrough
– Fixed bug with Puzzles, where chip’s (pieces) were flying towards the camera (pieces were reaction to collision from Objectives, which was quite unexpected)
– HDR is always returning to default after a sex scene, if you changed them
– You can now wear “open-crotch” clothing+buttplugs at the same time. Open-crotch suits can also be presented in sex scenes
– Fixed a bug, when moving Clothing from 1 active slot to another active slot will hide the clothing inside the game
– Futa-peeing inside cutscenes is no longer altering cock physics
– Added “Horse” type of futa cock (only for supporters)
– Futa cocks materials now working properly with Sand-on-body, Dirt-on-body sliders, Pubic hairs. Also “Veins” slider is now adjusting veins on cock too.
– Added “Eye color” customization slider
– Removed bug with “Physical Cloth” reacting to invisible trigger volumes
– Objectives UI logic is improved
– Various fixes for clothing/accessories
– Smooth camera transition on the end of the cutscene is fixed
Episode 1 – v2
– Fixed Pee collisions on low fps, now it should work good on any framerate
– Tomb “trap ceiling room” is not killing no more, until the save system arrives
– Fixed multiple bugs inside Clothing system, items should never disappear for no reason
– Re-worked Tara AI control (auto-walk to Interactable objects)
– Improved Objectives system
– Buttplugs are no longer disappears on Pee scenes
– Fixed issue, where Buttplug ass-morphs was not disabled on sex scenes (while the buttplug itself is hidden)
– Fixed Mummy BJ character offsets
– Fixed bug with Mummy, not reacting to the player after a sex scene
– Fixed Mummy attack range distance
– Enemie’s balls physics are enabled inside sex scenes
– Raptor is respawning from cave, after sex scene (was broken on initial release)
– Tara’s butt physics is always on (it was not turning back on, after some sex scenes)
– Fixed Smooth camera blend, on cutscene end
– Fixed a bug with potential softlock, while spamming Use key on Lootboxes (or any other interactables)
– Added Tattoo 3 Arm texture (texture was missed on the first release)
– Fixed secret totem BJ scene (dynamic textures were wrong)
– Improved swimming>walking transition
– Fixed potential softlocks, when picking up Box
– Blocked raptor cave hole, you can’t fall inside it no more
– Fixed rare problem, when finishing the Pee-girls puzzle were not activating the doors
– Multiple small improvements to the cutscenes, collisions, hints and so on
– Fixed bunker assets (videos were not imported currently on the first version)
– Added Puzzle Reset function to reset pieces positions (“R” – Reload)
– Fixed bug with Raptors comix, now all pages should be saved inside the book
– Fixed bug with Puzzles, where chip’s (pieces) were flying towards the camera (actually, it was happening in places with high cliffs above the player – pieces were aligning to the cliffs, instead of a board mesh)
Episode 1
Initial Release
-Pee-particles are not following movable objects, which is the biggest issue of this version.
There is also a problem where particles are hitting invisible objects as well.
This will be completely reworked and fixed very soon.
-Skin shader is very high on SSS (“sub surface scatter” – looks like a “wax”), will be fixed.
-Main menu settings are not “connected” mostly, hence they are disabled.
-Some issues on crouching – character is going down more than it should (not happening all the time, though).
-1st person view – sometimes inner-mouth textures are visible in that mode
How To Install Beasts In The Sun
- Extract
- Play the game
Beasts In The Sun Free Download
Skeleton Test Build
Episode 1 Supporter – v8.1
Habrá una versión para Android? Por favor no nos priven de jugar este juegazo a los que no tenemos pc
it is windows only
Hmmm. Need some Help. Where ca i find the code for the Bunker, and where is the second breast for the Statue (one is on the island)?
Second on is under water cave
Hello Iam Under the Water ????
It’s unplayable now without save possibility (autosave atleast) and with such number of bugs that sticks you
do know how to save the game ??
There isn`t save function yet. Awaiting update.
guys can any one tell me how to save the game when i lose
hey guys how i save the game when i lose ?
pls guys someone tell me how to save the game when i lose
pls guys someone tell me how to save the game when i lose ?!!
how i activate the second peeing girl?
Need some Help.
how i activate the second peeing girl ???
Activate her in the room nearby same as the first, just find alternate route to tht room
predd R
Activate her in the room nearby same as the first, just find alternate route to tht room
i pee but its nating hapend
i pee but its nating hapend
i pee but its nating hapen
i have the same problem
Hmmm. Precisa de alguma ajuda. Onde posso encontrar o código do Bunker
Aim better when peeing
What is the bunker code?
Do the save feature implemented in that update?
Yes, quicksave and autosave features added.))
Hello guys! Where is the missing piece underneath minotaurs statue?Is nowhere on the island….