The Villain Simulator Free Download Latest Version
The Villain Simulator Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – this is about that with the sexual element added to it.
Developer: ZnelArts Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 36 Beta
OS: Oculus, Oculus Touch, HTC Vive, Windows, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 3D game, 3DCG, Animated, Graphic violence, Sci-fi, Male protagonist, Adventure, Fantasy, Bdsm, Parody, Simulator, Sexual harassment, Virtual reality, Catgirls, Villain, Superpowers, Reverse Rape, Female Domination, Whip, Tailjob, Suction on Penis, Bodyjob, Silhouettes, Shoejob, Hairjob, Kneepit Sex, Anal Sex, Intercural Sex, Footjob, Vaginal sex, Titfuck, Oral sex, Bukkake, Handjob
Did you ever watched that old Batman show where him and Robin were always about to die in a trap, and then in the next episode they managed to escape from an horrendous dead? Well… No More!! I always fantasized with the idea of the Villain actually winning, this is about that with the sexual element added to it.

Beta 36
- New Dalphine Vanilla Character
- Revamped Pumping Machine
- Pump can now extract many liquids from captives
- Pump tanks now shows liquid icon
- Added different suction cups
- Added a liquid mixing machines
- You can now use a syringe inject serums to captives
- Serums have different status effects
- Robot Eye reacts to player using the mixer machine
- Improvement to the Hitachi Wand
- Tickling fixed
- Better hose renderer for pumps
- Flexible feet
- Some gamepad improvements and started on flexible feet
- Virtual gamepad mouse and gamepad use detection
- Gamepad controls, gamepad detection and virtual mouse
- Restoring gamepad progress
- Added Restore clothes button
- Small tweak to Feline Falate’s face
- Adding reactions and VA for Armchair scenes
- Tweaking opinion and flinch reactions
- Fixing negative opinion effect removal
- Improving AO and motion blur on Desktop Mode
- Increasing length effect on Desktop Hand fingering
- Fixing Lag Spike when activating consoles
- Fixing eyebrows clipping on lipsync reactions
- Desktop mode whip redesign
- Fixed mission stars not displaying
- Fixed look sensitivy robot arm issue and menu skip button adjusted
- Mission 2 hit detection fix
Beta 35
- Added Opinions and Custom Character Opinions
- Added opinions status console
- New Dance (Still WIP)
- Added a paint gun
- New Tutorial Intro
- Improved Desktop Mode interaction mechanic
- New Costumes
- Added Paddles
- Tweaked and improved some reactions
Beta 34.2
- Flexible hand fingers for VR Mode Player
- Automata character fixes and improvements
- Insertion interaction improvements
- All heroes except synth switched to using base character model
- Generating runtime accurate colliders for heroes
- Adding Player Cryo Tank to main scene (WIP)
- Improvement to cat mask and Juliette hair for Selina Vanilla character
- Improvements to Tifany Costume
- Fixing Catgirl Textures and Ears data to improve the Custom Vanilla character
- Added 3 new flexible toys
- Most costumes now have basic swing simulation
- Most long hairs now have basic swing simulation
- Pectorals now collide with heroes’s arms and forearms to allow more realism when dancing
- Robot reacts when failed to dematerialize
Character Creator:
- Character creator bone scaling
- Allowing normal map use on Toon Skin Material
- Fix to resetting skin material in character creator
- Enabling Eye Iris Texture import in character creator
- Vanilla characters can now be loaded in the Character Creator
- Better animations to character creator UI
- Adding a few adjustments to Diva Hair to create a replacement for the Kitty Hair
- Created character creator versioning warnings
- Adding Cat Girl hair to character creator
- Updating Kitty Ears with better morphs
- Adding Kimono Suit and accessories
- Improving fitting sliders on Assassin Shirt
- Added a hidden underwear toggle
- Updating Amy and Tina hairs with shape to hide when using cowl or helmet
- Allowing camera orbit in any camera mode
- Unlocking a couple of DNA Sliders and ranges
- Adding New Automata Skirt to Character Creator
- Adding a new category for Dresses and Skirts
- Setting dematerializer strength to every costume item
- Adding Sexy Lips, Nose Width, Puffy Labia amd lashes long 2 to DNA Panel in Character Creator
- Adding import/export tooltips
- Updating all items that need puffy labia morphs
- Fixing Fighter Skirt Material labels and adding custom materials to it
Bug Fixes:
- Quick fix for adjustment sliders not persisting on some clothing
- Advance poser fix, desktop fingering works again,
- Fixing Expand All not working on hairs
- Fixing nails showing when shoes are equipped
- Fix for Sliders Limit Cheat not working on sliders that affect 2 morphs
- Fixing issues with toy to mouth interactions
- Loading different characters with same costumes now reset their sliders
- Fixes for cheats and cheat menu
- Improved VR fingering interaction
- Character Creator Ultrawide screen fix
- Modal windows now appear on the correct Z order
- Skin wont clip anymore using the Galaxy Skin
- Skin wont clip anymore using the Toon Skin
Beta 32
Main Game
- Created the Gravity Cuffs machine, simple and advanced mode
- Added a Cheat Option to enable the advanced mode
- Adding New Synth Mission 1
- Adding better cuffs effects to machines
- Added cheat option to disable Joint Stress System
- Created a joint break system and break effects
- Joint break causes a lot of fear and damage
- Localization for settings menu
- Hover circle on toys & robot show a selection outline
- Adding smooth subtitles layout
- New subtitles show at the bottom, moving the old ones up
- Adding subtitle and localization to all missions and tutorials
- Smoothing Genital movement during interaction
- Adding start mission title screen
- Options menu tabs for settings
- Improving UI sounds of Level selection console
- Adding Scene light changes to Synth mission 1 and 2
- Desktop Hand Hud now shows when is in locked state
- Making Robot AI Interactable
- Toy to hole polish, genital clamping and lerping
- Toy squeezing when inserted
Beta 31
Let me point quick the major changes and will end with a complete changelog.
- Tons of bug fixes: better grabbing, less buggy interactions, more stable toys, Custom Characters, etc.
- Performance improvements on all places, loading the game, during the game, loading characters, fixed memory leak in Character Creator, etc.
- Photo Mode in the Character Creator with lighting settings, camera effect settings, pose selector and a quick access to your captured photos. Now you are able to capture photos even at 8k.
- The Synth Belly Apparatus, inspired by one of my figurines I saw it would be fun to see yourself inside of The Synth, plus this gave us ideas and we are planning to add some more functionality to this device.
- Added some more customizations in the Character Creator: The system was implemented but we weren’t using it properly, now you can change some more properties on the items materials and a bunch of adjustment sliders to the clothing.
- 1 new hair and 1 catsuit in the Character Creator, new high heels
- Option to hide the player body
- The settings menu is now available in-game
With a good base free of nasty bugs we can (this time for real) focus on building the game story and missions, this we will be doing on the next updates, in fact we have already layered a plan to deliver at least 1 new mission per release.
Here is the full changelog:
General Changes
- Tool handling on hitachi and dart gun now allow you to teleport and turn
- Bug when tool handling and teleporting while inserted has been fixed
- Teleport and dick explosion issue fixes
- Respawn, menu, whip sound bug fixes
- Improving Dematerializer hit check
- Added VR Settings menu
- Dick robot arm, armchair and VR settings menu fixes
- Adding broken joints to Synth to show when limbs are dematerialized
- Access to settings from pause menu
- Added player body visibility toggle
- Armchair bug fixes
- Adding Synth Pump to its belly
- Adding Synth belly window
- Occlusion optimizations and memory management
- Fixing Dissolving rest of cloth items on Custom Characters
- Showing Error Popup if VR fails to initialize
- Improving UX on Main Menu
- Resolved custom character dissolve issue
- Improved dematerialize effect shader performance
- Fixing crazy bow arrow fix & Bow shoot cancel
- Adding Dual Color Automata Eyes
- Fixing Crash and Exception reporter errors
- Fixing Boobs not jigling on some characters
- Improved boob grabbing desktop interaction
- Fixed armchair dick explosion and hole left open issues
- Fixed issues with robot arm and dematerializing toys
- Fix main menu buttons on hover sometimes not working
- Fix head being null errors when characters are looking at the player
- Various toys fixes
- Updated hand genital interaction to match single body toys
- Last used hero/machine on main menu and in main scene
- Migrated new genital interaction to Legacy Toys
- Creating a separate lightweight Main Menu Scene
- Fixes and grab rotations for all characters
- Better Head IK, mirror dick and body part grabbing on player
- VR sex improvements
- Licking now adds status effects
- Tweaking Tongue effect amount and frequency
Character Creator Changes
- Fixing Abrion Suit Crotch
- Added Hanah body to Character Creator
- Adding Catsuit to Character Creator
- Adding adjustment morphs to a bunch of Costume Items
- Fixing errors when trying to set expressions on deleted eyebrows on a custom character
- Avoid Setting Properties on Materials that do not have them when loading a character
- Bunny Pantihose now properly dematerialized
- Custom character dematerialize optimizations
- DNA slider min max value now show the proper values
- Fixed non expanding character creator buttons
- Updated Amy hair 3D mesh with a few fixes
- Adding High Heel Mules to Character Creator
- Adding Amelie Hair to character creator
- Normalizing list of adjustment morphs on suits, underwear and bottom gear
- Adding skybox and bg color slector to Character Creator
- Adding Light Controls to Character Creator
- Adding UI for pose selection in character creator
- Adding AO and Noise controls to photo mode in character creator
- Adding better Screen Space AO for the character creator camera
- Adding photo mode options to show controls and open the photos directory
- Photo Mode now captures screenshot in AppData Folder
- Character Creator UI Fixes/Improvements
- Adding EV, Saturation and Contrast controls tp photo mode camera
- Adding zoom feature to photo mode in character creator
- Adding a photo mode hud
- Adding a Fly Camera controller to photo mode in character creator
- Character now properly load material properties such as Specular
How To Install The Villain Simulator
- Extract
- Play the game
For cheat menu press O. Code for Beta 36: 1315
new versiyon ?
yes we will update when its ready.