New content:
- 9 New H Scenes.
- 1 New Main Quest.
- 6 New Achievements.
- City Expanded: Police Station.
- New type of work in the Nun Job.
Fixes and technical things:
- Gallery updated (not fully):
- Town: Cassiel – Virgin Killer.
- Town: Cassiel – Elegant Dress.
- v0.2.0 scenes.
- Cassiel’s outfit now is showed correctly in the public bathroom.
- Minor translation fixes.
Alpha v0.1.9b
New content:
- 7 New H scenes.
- 4 New Achievements.
- 2 New Memories.
- 1 New Main Quest.
- 1 New Side Quest.
- New Outfit: Elegant Dress (Sapphire).
- New Outfit: Elegant Dress (Cassiel).
Fixes and technical things:
- Gallery updated (not fully):
- Slums scenes.
- v0.1.9 scenes.
- Fixed a bug where you can farm infinite points while sleeping at the beach.
- Fixed some dialogues of Cassiel marked as “Sapphire” at the beach.
- Fixed a bug where Sleeping Pills aren’t decreasing while sleeping at the beach with Cassiel.
- Fixed a bug where Sapphire can’t buy sleeping pills.
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect music were playing at temple.
- Smartphones: Choice’s text color should now be showed correctly.
New content:
- 10 New H events.
- 7 New Achievements.
- 3 New Main Quest.
- New Zone: Lounge Street.
- Zone expanded: Slums
Fixes and technical things:
- Gallery updated (not fully):
– Train scenes (Cassiel)(Waitress)
– Church scenes (Sapphire)(Nun)
Alpha v0.1.7
New content:
- 10 New H events.
- Sapphire can now sleep at the beach.
- New State: Cum (Beta)(Sapphire).
- Commercial District expanded: Public Bathroom (BETA).
Fixes and technical things:
- Fixed a weird bug if you pay the hotel during the day and then try at sleep on the beach.
- Fixed a crash after working 3 times in the Waitress Job – Free Grope.
New content:
- 6 New H Events.
- 10 New variations of the new H events.
- 16 New variations of old H events.
- 1 New Side Quest.
- 6 New Achievements.
- New Job: Sexual Toys.
- New Outfit: Virgin Destroyer (Sapphire).
- New Outfit: Virgin Killer (Cassiel).
Fixes and technical things:
- Reworked the Status Screen.
- Reworked the Inventory Screen.
- Reworked the H Stats Screen.
- Reworked the Achievements Screen.
- Removed the Combat system (And all its content adapted).
- Updated the Gallery.
- Butterflies are now easier to see.
- Moved the HJ scene of Sapphire as Nun to fit as a prank while working.
- Fixed a softlock when selecting the last 2 punishments for Sapphire as Nun.
- Fixed a bug in the Nun job, where pranks weren’t giving H Stats Points.
- Fixed some places of quest’s marks.
- Fixed the choices while resting on the chairs appearing 2 times.
- Fixed a bug where you get teleported to a wrong location if you reject to get the free train pass.
- Updated the credits.
Alpha v0.1.5
New content:
- 2 New Main Quests.
- 10 New H Events.
- 6 New Achievements.
- New Side Character: Ryssa.
- New Side Character: Rebecca.
Fixes and technical things:
- The Main Quest “Test your might” now requires completing the Side Quest “Pickpocket”.
- Fixed a bug where after getting the free train pass with Sapphire in Station B, Sapphire weren’t going to Station A.
- Fixed a bug where Cassiel can interact with the guy of the car having the wrong outfit.
- Changed the face model of the pervert that appears while resting on the chairs.
Alpha v0.1.4
New content:
- 4 New H Events.
- All Town H events are now repeatable (NPCs with a pink heart on their heads)
- New State: Cum (Beta)(Cassiel)
Alpha v0.1.3
New content:
- 11 New H Events.
- 1 New H Memory (Goddess Zehtris x Esther).
- Nun Job: Beta version
- Waitress Job: Free Grope day is now playable.
- 5 New Achievements (Only 3 can be unlocked).
Fixes and technical things:
Alpha v0.1.2
New content:
- The CG/Scene Gallery!
- 2 New H event.
- Free Train now available.
Fixes and technical things:
- Change between Cassiel and Sapphire anytime.
- Reworked the Town, now it is smaller and less confusing.
- Added quest marks for continue a quest.
- Increased the % of H events while resting at the beach to 25% from 20%.
- Removed Floor 2 and 3 of the Residential Building.
- Reworked the “Game Menu”.
- Reworked the “Waitress Menu”.
- NPC “Grumpy sir” moved to another place of the Town.
- NPC “Black cat” moved to another place of the Town.
- 2 Blue Stones moved to another place of the Town.
- 1 Butterfly moved to another place of the Town.
- Christmas Special: Fixed a bug where the gem gets stuck in the inventory after the true ending.
Alpha v0.1.1
Remember the Christmas Event starts in the bedroom of the church.
New content:
- Christmas Special
- 11 New H events.
- 5 New Side Quests.
- 9 New Achievements (Only 5 can be unlocked).
- New Outfit: Santa (Cassiel).
- New Outfit: Reindeer (Sapphire).
- New Zone: Remote Town.
- New NPC: Santa.
- New NPC: Karen.
Fixes and technical things:
- Achievement “Soft pleasure” renamed to “Team tits”.
- Fixed some Achievement’s images.
- Halloween Special: Fixed a bug where Sapphire gets teleported to a wrong location after interacting with the safe.
- Halloween Special: Fixed a bug where the necklace gets stuck in the inventory after the true ending.
- Halloween Special: Some H events now correctly count as Virginity lost.
- Fixed a bug where a wrong achievement can pop up after the H event between Cassiel and The Seer.
Alpha v0.1.0
Remember the Halloween Event starts in the bedroom of the church.
New content:
- Halloween Special 2023
- 13 New H events
- 13 New Side Quest
- 7 New Achievements (Only 4 can be unlocked).
- New Outfit: Witch (Cassiel).
- New Outfit: Witch (Sapphire).
- New Zone: Haunted Manor.
- New NPCs: The Abagnale Family
- 1 New chat between Cassiel and Sapphire at the end of the day.