
Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Free Download Latest Version

Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – t features women and female androids being..

Developer: Project Helius Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.9 Cracked (Harem)
OS: Windows
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese
Voices: Japanese
Genre: 3d game, ahegao, anal sex, animated, bestiality, big tits, creampie, footjob, handjob, lesbian, male domination, monster, multiple penetration, oral sex, rape, sci-fi, sex toys, tentacles, titfuck, vaginal sex, virtual reality, voiced, vore


Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll is a Cthulhu mythos inspired sex simulator and third-person sandbox created by a bunch of perverts with AAA game development experience. All graphics are acted out in real time rather than pre-rendered CG, with intuitive player interactivity affecting the shots, movements, and voices in-scene. Third-person desktop and first-person VR versions are available.

Play as an assistant to Dr. Anya, a Miskatonic University neurobiologist studying encounters of the third kind on Yuggoth, a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt. Dr. Anya surgically implanted a cognitive filter in your prefrontal lobe to secure your sanity while experimenting on the eldritch horrors – as it keeps you from going mentally unstable, the cognitive filter also distorts your senses into making experiments look like orgy pornos and tentacle hentai. Nothing particularly bad about that…right?

Enjoy over 300 real-time 3D sex scenes utilizing motion capture data covering a wide range of fetishes. Players can freely adjust the camera, guide character movements, and interact with the scenes to influence character reactions. Every scene is fully voiced and contains a variety of action options, from penetration to internal or external ejaculation.
Personalize the characters and doll them up with skimpy clothes as you desire and combat eldritch horrors on the battlefield.

  • Assign your investigators to get intimate with Test Subjects in testing grounds ranging from the Archimedes Orbital Space Station to the Erotes Nightclub in Neo Arkham. Whether it be footjobs, anal, lesbian, threesome or alien sex, these lovely ladies are prepared to fully commit their bodies for science.
  • Customize the investigators at will: skin tone, hair color, muscle mass, oil and sweat on the skin, underwear and even stockings denier.
  • Each sandbox map in HAREM mode supports up to 10 players, where players can conduct “Experiments” anywhere on the map as they wish. If you prefer “independent study”, you may always turn on Do Not Disturb to hide other players in the map, or access the offline GALLERY mode.
  • Collect data by conducting “Experiments” to unlock new Test Subjects and Experiment Methods. Players can give and receive Likes, spend Likes to obtain research grants from Miskatonic University’s Peer Review Meetings, or study from each other to unlock Experiment Methods discovered by other players.
  • In the COMBAT DRILL mode, the game shifts to a top-down squad tactics + deck building roguelike where player utilizes data extracted from “Experiments” in Harem Mode to craft skill cards for the investigators to use in simulated engagement against cultists & eldritch monsters from Cthulhu mythology. Cozy up with the investigators to raise their affinity and prepare for the impending doom as the Ancient Ones awaken.
Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Free Download
Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Free Download
Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Free Download

Update 0.4.9 Patch Notes:

  • 14 New Experiments

New Outfits:


  • Alet: Libero
  • Erika: Succubus Mistress
  • Dr,Anya: Duct Tape Fixes Everything

Weekly Store:

  • Dr.Anya: Herdsman’s Daydream

Various bugs and exploits addressed.

v0.34 Cracked
New language: Tranditional Chinese
Dr.Anya’s Voivode Command Uniform
9 New sex scenes and new voice acting for Erika’s forced scenes
Better optimization and asset compression (the file size is now roughly 4GB)
Auto benchmark and better presets for new players
More detailed texture and mesh around the Dreamer’s rear, if you get what I mean
Better ahegao and tongue
Improved environment and sperm visual effects
Bug and translation error fixes

How To Install Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game
How to install cracked Harem version:


  1. If you are using the steam version of the game (not the demo), make a copy and modify that!
  2. Go to the root folder and delete everything except the Paralogue and Engine folders.
  3. Go to Paralogue\Binaries\Win64 and delete everything
  4. Go back to the root and extract the zip there
  5. If it asks if you want to overwrite steam_api64.dll press yes.
  6. If it did not ask then you are doing something wrong.
  7. Start with Launch.bat or Paralogue\Binaries\Win64\KiritoMod049.exe


  • No EasyAntiCheat.
  • No internet access (You can/should bock the exe with your firewall).
  • No daily quests, lootboxes, currencies, energy/fatigue system and no shop.

Known issues:

  • Your chacter doesn’t appear on the first login (go back to the main menu to fix it).


  • Updated to 049.
  • In-game character switching should work.
  • Chinese characters no longer crash the mod with utf-8 error on startup.


  • On windows 7 you’ll get missing “api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll” error. Download it from here and copy to Paralogue\Binaries\Win64 folder.
  • To fix blurry textures add r.Streaming.PoolSize=0 to the Engine.ini in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor folder.
  • Erotes Nightclub is not in the game, pester the devs about it.
  • There is no VR version for 049, pester the devs about it.

Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll Free Download

Non-VR (Harem Cracked)



VR (v0.34 Cracked)



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