Hard Stuck Free Download Latest Version
Hard Stuck Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – is an erotic turn-based dungeon crawler inspired by the original roguelike “Rogue”.
Developer: floppystack Twitter – Itch.io – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.3 EA 4 Hotfix 1
OS: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Genre: 3dcg, 2d game, animated, female protagonist, monster, turn based combat, strategy, vaginal sex, oral sex, big ass, big tits, fantasy, adventure,
Hard Stuck is an erotic turn-based dungeon crawler inspired by the original roguelike “Rogue”.
The goal of the game is to fight your way through a dungeon filled with monsters and traps to reach the last floor,
discovering the functions of obfuscated items and interacting with various curios along the way.

0.3 EA 4 Hotfix 1
• The pigman trader has been added to neutral floors with his own cinematic, he gives more bits for items after friendly events.
• New incubus/succubus caster type enemy has been added to the lava, spooky and ice floors with a unique cinematic for each.
• The game now has full gamepad support.
• The minimap can now be clicked on to travel.
• New aphrodisiac and flamethrower themed trapped chest rooms.
• A new battery item has been added that recharges wands when used. They can be purchased from the vending machine tile.
• A new saint statue has been added that grants the player calories based on lewd meter value.
• A new special abilities menu has been added, it is accessed by pressing left or right in the inventory.
• Added an option to the settings menu to swap mouse buttons.
• Added the option to select glasses independant of outfit (thanks to MyahTG for the reminder).
• Allies can now be instructed to wait at their current location until told to follow.
• Added exposed variants to the alpine bikini.
• Nothing has changed in the room that doesn’t exist on the first floor.
• The main character is now named “Chloe Glands” under the hood. Though the name is never visible to the player.
• Wands can now only spawn once in the entire dungeon.
• The game over cinematic can now be skipped (thanks to Melody for the reminder).
• When viewed through the memory menu, game over cutscenes no longer shows the game over text and will wait for input before continuing.
• Blessed/cursed tomes now affect allies/enemies respectively.
• Damage from weapons with shock enchant now bounce like the shock wand.
• Any form of ice damage now has a 10% chance to freeze a target already affected by frost. Wet targets will still freeze 100% of the time.
• There is now a warning message that pops up when starting hardcore mode from the main menu.
• Saint statues no longer spawn randomly. They are now a feature reserved for neutral floors.
• Cun’thulu statue now grants the player a spell to summon a tentacle ally.
• Detection tomes now reveal mimics on the minimap.
• Tome descriptions should now be more… descriptive.
• The old trap room with the near invisible spikes has been removed.
• Unobfuscated rings no longer reveal enchant level (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Kraken is now immune to displacement effects, and will despawn when the head loses sight of all enemies (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed cursed healing tome not hurting the reader.
• The minimap will no longer be cut off when loading saves after a game over (thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
• Fixed an issue causing stairs leading up to not be placed correctly (thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
• Fixed a bunch of bugs with the tile selector that got introduced with mouse support.
• Fixed missing sound effects when mouse interacts with menus.
• Allies no longer retain temporary effects when resurrected.
• Fixed bad normals on exposed goth thong.
• Fixed an issue causing the window mode setting option to do nothing.
Gamepad Keyboard mode:
• Dpad: Move character / Navigate UI.
• Bottom face button: Inspect/Interact / UI select.
• Right face button: Skip turn / UI back.
• Left face button: Inventory.
• Top face button: Auto explore.
• Start: Pause menu.
• Select: Toggle minimap.
• Left bumper: Auto path stairs down.
• Right bumper: Auto path stairs up.
Gamepad Mouse mode:
• Left stick: Move mouse.
• Bottom face button: Left click.
• Right face button: Right click.
Gamepad camera:
• Right stick: Rotate camera.
• Triggers: Zoom.
Cinematic camera:
• Right stick press: Enter flycam mode.
• Left+right stick: Move.
• Left/Right bumper: Pan up/down.
• Dpad up/down: Zoom in/zoom out.
• Triggers: Roll.
Edit hotfix 1:
• Added a large left stick deadzone for swapping between keyboard and mouse mode while using gamepads.
• Fixed Cun’thulu tentacle missing animations in release builds (thanks to Slith for the bug report).
• Cun’thulu tentacle will no longer try to make moves on the player (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
• Fixed missing effects and identification events after sex with the buses.
• Changing outfit with default glasses now properly updates model (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Fixed broken ally / charmed neutral character stairs pathing (thanks to Lulu, Aargh and k-psychon for the bug reports).
• Using a battery now properly ends turn (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• Minimap navigation will now take a safer route (thanks to Lulu for the bug report).
• The kraken can no longer be displaced by teleportation wands (Thanks to LC for the bug report).
• The wand of empowerment now has a duration of 200, the effect still stacks and duration is reset when reapplied (thanks to Lulu for reminding me).
• Scrolls of enhancement will no longer reveal item obfuscation, but will still reveal itemlevel (thanks to LC for the bug report).
How To Install Hard Stuck
- Extract
- Play the game