
Cara in Creekmaw Free Download Latest Version

Cara in Creekmaw Download Walkthrough + Inc Patch Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – Cara returns to Creekmaw to visit her mother over the course of 2 days after moving out a year ago with her fiance.

Developer: Ariaspoaa – SubscribeStar – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Season 2 – Episode 3 Full + Halloween
OS: Windows, Linux, AndroidMac
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Vore, Beastiality, Pregnancy, Ahegao, Creampie, Groping, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Scat (optional), Interracial, Female Protagonist, Futa Protagonist, Transformation, Cheating, Corruption


Cara returns to Creekmaw to visit her mother over the course of 2 days after moving out a year ago with her fiancé. Mysteries start to pile on upon her return, with the town and its townspeople harboring many secrets and their own intentions.​

Cara in Creekmaw Download
Cara in Creekmaw Download
Cara in Creekmaw Download
Cara in Creekmaw Download
Cara in Creekmaw Download

Season 2 Episode 3 Full + Helloween

All links below already include the hotfixes in their files.

S2E3-TR Hotfix 2
– Fixed a case where rollback will be affected after performing an end-of-season save.

S2E3-TR Hotfix 1
– Fixed a case where the player will be hard-stuck with a phone screen after performing an end-of-season save.

Season 2 Episode 3 Test Release (27th September 2024)
– At least 3,000 images.
– Debut of Interrogation/Questioning mechanic; work together with Cara to reveal the truth!
– X-ray vision + camera hot-swapping; see what goes on inside… and out with an updated way of viewing the scene however you please!
– New optional QTE game; enable Interactive mode to try your hand at another variation of a vore struggle mini-game.
– A cheat menu that can be toggled at the start of the episode, allowing you to toggle relevant variables as you wish!
– Depending on feedback on this, it could be added as a default in the full episode, allowing you to customize a save however you please!
– The download links above already include several hotfixes that went into the game files from the earlier versions

Backend changes include:
Separation of game content into “Seasons”!

  • Season 1 now contains the Prologue, Episode 1, Episode 2, and all previous side stories!
  • Season 2 kicks off with Episode 3 Test Release.

A new end-of season save has also been implemented at the end of Season 1 (i.e. in Episode 2), allowing you to save all your progress from Season 1 and import them into Season 2, maintaining all your choices and decisions made for Cara!

Important Note: Season 2 only contains image data for Episode 3, and does not contain image data from previous seasons. This means accessing content outside of Season 2 without having the relevant image data (such as gallery, secret renders) is expected to have errors.

July Content Update (17th July 2024)
– 1 brand new side story for July; “Suyin’s Pregnancy Cravings”, adding nearly 300 new renders!
– 3 ‘minis’; these mini-stories are based on past render requests that have been created, with the addition of unique dialogue for each that ties all of the renders together. They can be played from the side story selection menu!

Other small changes include:
– Versioning is now standardized, with this current version being “v2.1”. The number and position of ‘2’ indicates a major iteration of the game (i.e. a new main episode), while the number and position of “1” indicates a minor iteration (monthly content, side story). This should make things easier to bug-fix in the future!
– Added a “seen” marker on the side stories if you have already played through them (QoL additions).

Important Note: The link below is a playable version of the July content update (about 600MB) and only contains image data of this content update. This means previous releases’ image data will not be available if you don’t have Cara in Creekmaw currently downloaded on your device. This means the gallery and scene replayer are not expected to work with just the July content.

If you do have a previous download of Cara in Creekmaw, refer to the instructions above on how to apply a game update only.

Episode 2: Enhanced (7th May 2024 Update) (MOST RECENT)

This new content can be downloaded fully (~8GB) or downloaded as an update-only (~2.7GB) and can be applied to your existing game. A compressed version (full game but 900p images, ~2.5GB) and an Android version (full game APK ~2.5GB) are also available.

This adds new content (over 3000 new images) within the previous episodes & A new side story. This means the best way to experience this new content is to pick Start -> Main Story -> Returning Player -> Episode 2 as your starting point and replay Episode 2, being sure to visit the scenes listed below. When you’re done with that you can then do Start -> Twins’ Dilemma.

Additionally, you can now name your saves and the replay gallery has been improved.

The walkthrough has been updated:

If you want to know where to find the new scenes added to EP2, here they are:

SPOILER: new scenes

Episode 2

  • Added the following scenes (together with how to get them):
    • ALEXIS —> (ENDING) Alexis can now choose to anally vore Cara instead of breast-voring her.
    • ALEXIS —-> (SCENE VARIATION) If players had cock-vored Natalie during her night visit, the Cara/Alexis sex scene will now have an alternate scene played
    • STANFORD —> (SCENE VARIATION) If Cara chose not to share Stanford and edged him at the bowling alley, there is now a unique path that will play after she gives him tea in his free-roam; note that you must choose the correct choice to see the scene.
    • STANFORD —> **(ENDING) Cara can be cock vored by Stanford, this scene is triggered automatically if players view the scene above and choose to make Cara do it.(REQUIRES STANFORD DRINK GREEN SYRINGE + SUYIN ALIVE)
    • SARAFE —> (NEW SCENE) Added a scene with Sarafe and Rachel; automatically unlocked through normal play after Rachel had fiddled with Sarafe’s ears
    • TABATHA —-> (ENDING) Cara can now be unbirthed by Tabatha; player has to choose to investigate Tabatha’s belly when prompted
    • TIA’LANA —-> (ENDING) Players can now choose to have Sarafe wake up to interrupt and stop Tia’Lana, or have her continue being unconscious(triggers ending)
    • TIFFANY –> (ENDING) If you have chosen Tiffany as the futa twin, staying with her when Trinity goes to check on the noise will now trigger her ending.

E2 (25th December Update):

  • Over 20,000 lines of dialogue!
  • At least 4000 brand-new images!
  • Over 20 new steamy scenes to view and collect in the replay gallery. Collecting all of them would require multiple playthroughs!
  • Includes the questionnaire, allowing you to create a save and start directly at Episode 2!

E1P2 (5th July Update):
Main changes

  • Previously, there was a need to upload two separate builds (restricted for Patreon, and unrestricted for SubscribeStar). This has been improved with this build as now, a single unified passcode (which will always be ‘cara’ across ALL future releases) will be used to access unrestricted content. If this passcode is not entered correctly or is not known, the game will switch to the restricted version. This reduces the time taken to upload the game significantly and should be much easier to keep track of on my end during future release periods.
  • The questionnaire now shows the question together with the choices, this reduces the time spent on the questionnaire. The font size of each question is also increased.
    • Special thanks to Gildan in helping with the implementation for both changes.

Minor changes

  • Visual issue has been fixed in the scene where Cara first meets Tristan.
  • Adjustments for “happy place”-related dialogue, which previously did not check for the habit in a few areas.


  • In the Laundry Room during the free-roam, the “Help to do the laundry” choice was duplicated. This has been fixed.


  • Missing visuals reported in a few scenes have been fixed (such as when David invites Cara to his house).
  • Squash scene visuals fix attempt.
  • TIffany’s journal entry staying on ‘unread’ despite the player reading it has been fixed.
  • If Cara rejects the squash event, the event will now be skipped correctly.
  • If Poloson is not in the hospital (i.e. wasn’t punched), Natalie’s phone conversation and subsequent profile image sequence will not trigger on Day 5 when Cara uses her phone.

Episode 1 Part 2
– Initial episode part public release.
– Added “Guided Walkthrough” feature, a feature that will display additional information when Cara is faced with dialogue choices.
– Updated questionnaire at the start of the game to allow the player to start at the most recent update (in this case: E1P2).

Contains the following fixes
– Fixed issue when adding journal entries in E1P1.
– Fixed images not showing for a scene that takes place on Day 4.

– Contains bug fixes to address issues surrounding the phone looping* as well as specific replays causing crashes.

*The root cause was due to the initial phone conversation with “CREEKMAW HR” near the beginning of the episode. In order to perform a full “fix”, it would require playing the episode from before that point (where Cara first uses her phone). I apologize for the inconvenience.

Episode 1 Part 1
– Initial episode part release.
– KNOWN ISSUES: Phone can bug out where the screen becomes blank. To workaround this, press the home button at the bottom middle of the phone screen, which will bring you back to the contacts list.

– Fixed a possible soft-lock where the player skips the dialogue into the first journal tutorial, causing all clicking functionality to break. The tutorials now do not require the player to physically press the journal to progress the tutorial, and now have new indicators to show where the journal is during these tutorials. Thank you Boogg for bringing this up!
– Adjusted some bits of dialogue (nothing major that affects the overarching story)


How To Install Cara in Creekmaw

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Cara in Creekmaw Free Download

If your anti-virus flags the files downloaded as a virus, do note that this is a false positive.

Passcode: cara

Season 2 – Full + Helloween





Season 1 – All Previous Content (Prologue, EP1, EP2, Side Stories)


Walkthrough: DIRECT LINK


Rating: / 5. Vote count:


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